Data Loading

Steps for Setting up a Data Chain

Access of data in JaxSGMC consists of two steps:

  • Setup Data Loader

  • Setup Callback Wrappers

The DataLoader determines where the data is stored and how it is passed to the device (e. g. shuffled in epochs).

The Callback Wrappers requests new batches from the DataLoader and pass them to the device via Jax’s Host-Callback module. Therefore, only a subset of the data is stored in the device memory.

The combination of a DataLoader and Callback Wrappers determines how the data is passed to the computation. Therefore, this guide presents different methods of data access with NumpyDataLoader and TensorflowDataLoader.


When using multiple DataLoaders sequentially in a single script, the release function should be called after the Callback Wrapper has been used in the last computation. After this, the reference to the DataLoader has been discarded and the DataLoader can be deleted.

Important Notes

Getting shape and dtype of the data

Some models needs to now the shape and dtype of the reference data. Therefore, an all-zero batch can be drawn from every DataLoader.

{'x_r': Array([0, 0, 0], dtype=int32), 'y_r': Array([[0., 0.],
             [0., 0.],
             [0., 0.]], dtype=float32)}

If no batch size is specified, a single observation is returned (all leaves’ shapes are reduced by the first axis).

{'x_r': Array(0, dtype=int32), 'y_r': Array([0., 0.], dtype=float32)}

Numpy Data Loader

>>> import numpy as onp
>>> from jax_sgmc import data
>>> from import NumpyDataLoader

First, we set up the dataset. This is very simple, as each array can be assigned as a keyword argument to the dataloader. The keywords of the single arrays form the keys of the pytree-dict, bundling all observations. Note that you can access the data supplied to the likelihood via the same keywords.

>>> # The arrays must have the same length along the first dimension,
>>> # corresponding to the total observation count
>>> x = onp.arange(10)
>>> y = onp.zeros((10, 2))
>>> data_loader = NumpyDataLoader(x_r=x, y_r=y)

The host callback wrappers cache some data in the device memory to reduce the number of calls to the host. The cache size equals the number of batches stored on the device. A larger cache size is more efficient in computation time, but has an increased device memory consumption.

>>> rd_init, rd_batch, _ = data.random_reference_data(data_loader, 100, 2)

The NumpyDataLoader accepts keyword arguments in the init function to determine the starting points of the chains.

>>> rd_state = rd_init(seed=0)
>>> new_state, (rd_batch, info) = rd_batch(rd_state, information=True)
>>> print(rd_batch)
{'x_r': Array([8, 9], dtype=int32), 'y_r': Array([[0., 0.],
       [0., 0.]], dtype=float32)}
>>> # If necessary, information about the total sample count can be passed
>>> print(info)
MiniBatchInformation(observation_count=10, mask=Array([ True,  True], dtype=bool), batch_size=2)

Random Data Access

The NumpyDataLoader provides three different methods to randomly select observations:

  • Independent draw (default): Draw from all samples with replacement.

  • Shuffling: Draw from all samples without replacement and immediately reshuffle if all samples have been drawn.

  • Shuffling in epochs: Draw from all samples without replacement and return mask to mark invalid samples at the end of the epoch.

This is illustrated for a small toy-dataset, for which the observation count is not a multiple of the batch size:

>>> import numpy as onp
>>> from jax_sgmc import data
>>> from import NumpyDataLoader

>>> x = onp.arange(10)
>>> data_loader = NumpyDataLoader(x=x)
>>> init_fn, batch_fn, _ = data.random_reference_data(data_loader, 2, 3)

The preferred method has to be passed when initializing the different chains:

>>> random_chain = init_fn()
>>> shuffle_chain = init_fn(shuffle=True)
>>> epoch_chain = init_fn(shuffle=True, in_epochs=True)

In the fourth draw, the epoch chain should return a mask with invalid samples:

>>> def eval_fn(chain):
...   for _ in range(4):
...     chain, batch = batch_fn(chain, information=True)
...   print(batch)
>>> eval_fn(random_chain)
({'x': Array([4, 6, 6], dtype=int32)}, MiniBatchInformation(observation_count=10, mask=Array([ True,  True,  True], dtype=bool), batch_size=3))
>>> eval_fn(shuffle_chain)
({'x': Array([0, 4, 7], dtype=int32)}, MiniBatchInformation(observation_count=10, mask=Array([ True,  True,  True], dtype=bool), batch_size=3))
>>> eval_fn(epoch_chain)
({'x': Array([5, 0, 0], dtype=int32)}, MiniBatchInformation(observation_count=10, mask=Array([ True, False, False], dtype=bool), batch_size=3))

Mapping over Full Dataset

It is also possible to map a function over the complete dataset provided by a DataLoader. In each iteration, the function is mapped over a batch of data to speed up the calculation, but limit the memory consumption.

In this toy example, the dataset consists of the potential bases \(\mathcal{D} = \left\{i \mid i = 0, \ldots, 10 \right\}\). In a scan loop, the sum of the potentials with given exponents is calculated:

\[f_e = \sum_{i=0}^{9}d_i^e \mid d_i \in \mathcal{D}, k = 0,\ldots, 2.\]
>>> from functools import partial
>>> import jax.numpy as jnp
>>> from jax.lax import scan
>>> from jax_sgmc import data
>>> from import NumpyDataLoader

First, the data loader must be set up. The batch size is not required to divide the total observation count. This is realized by filling up the last batch with some values, which are sorted out either automatically or directly by the user with the provided mask.

>>> base = jnp.arange(10)
>>> data_loader = NumpyDataLoader(base=base)

The mask is an boolean array with True if the value is valid and False if it is just a filler. If set to masking=False (default), no positional argument mask is expected in the function signature.

>>> def sum_potentials(exp, data, mask, unused_state):
...   # Mask out the invalid samples (filler values, already mapped over)
...   sum = jnp.sum(mask * jnp.power(data['base'], exp))
...   return sum, unused_state
>>> init_fun, map_fun, _ = data.full_reference_data(data_loader,
...                                                 cached_batches_count=3,
...                                                 mb_size=4)

The results per batch must be post-processed. If masking=False, a result for each observation is returned. Therefore, using the masking option improves the memory consumption.

>>> # The exponential value is fixed during the mapping, therefore add it via
>>> # functools.partial to the mapped function.
>>> map_results = map_fun(partial(sum_potentials, 2),
...                       init_fun(),
...                       None,
...                       masking=True)
>>> data_state, (batch_sums, unused_state) = map_results
>>> # As we used the masking, a single result for each batch is returned.
>>> # Now we need to postprocess those results, in this case by summing, to
>>> # get the true result.
>>> summed_result = jnp.sum(batch_sums)
>>> print(f"Result: {summed_result : d}")
Result:  285

The full data map can be used in jit-compiled functions, e.g. in a scan loop, such that it is possible to compute the results for multiple exponents in a lax.scan-loop.

>>> # Calculate for multiple exponents:
>>> def body_fun(data_state, exp):
...   map_results = map_fun(partial(sum_potentials, exp), data_state, None, masking=True)
...   # Currently, we only summed over each mini-batch but not the whole
...   # dataset.
...   data_state, (batch_sums, unused_state) = map_results
...   return data_state, (jnp.sum(batch_sums), unused_state)
>>> init_data_state = init_fun()
>>> _, (result, _) = scan(body_fun, init_data_state, jnp.arange(3))
>>> print(result)
[ 10  45 285]

It is also possible to store the CacheStates in the host memory, such that it is not necessary to carry the data_state through all function calls. The function does this, such that its usage is a little bit simpler:

>>> mapper_fn, release_fn = data.full_data_mapper(data_loader,
...                                               cached_batches_count=3,
...                                               mb_size=4)
>>> results, _ = mapper_fn(partial(sum_potentials, 2), None, masking=True)
>>> print(f"Result with exp = 2: {jnp.sum(results) : d}")
Result with exp = 2:  285
>>> # Delete the reference to the Data Loader (optional)
>>> release_fn()

Tensorflow Data Loader

Random Access

The tensorflow DataLoader is a great choice for many standard datasets available on tensorflow_datasets.

>>> import tensorflow_datasets as tfds
>>> from jax import tree_util
>>> from jax_sgmc import data
>>> from import TensorflowDataLoader
>>> import contextlib
>>> import io
>>> # Helper function to look at the data provided
>>> def show_data(data):
...   for key, item in data.items():
...     print(f"{key} with shape {item.shape} and dtype {item.dtype}")

The pipeline returned by tfds load can be directly passed to the DataLoader. However, not all tensorflow data types can be transformed to Jax data types, for example the feature ‘id’, which is a string. Those keys can be simply excluded via the keyword argument exclude_keys.

>>> # The data pipeline can be used directly
>>> with contextlib.redirect_stdout(io.StringIO()):
...   pipeline, info = tfds.load("cifar10", split="train", with_info=True)
>>> print(info.features)
    'id': Text(shape=(), dtype=string),
    'image': Image(shape=(32, 32, 3), dtype=uint8),
    'label': ClassLabel(shape=(), dtype=int64, num_classes=10),
>>> data_loader = TensorflowDataLoader(pipeline, shuffle_cache=10, exclude_keys=['id'])
>>> # If the model needs data for initialization, an all zero batch can be
>>> # drawn with the correct shapes and dtypes
>>> show_data(data_loader.initializer_batch(mb_size=1000))
image with shape (1000, 32, 32, 3) and dtype uint8
label with shape (1000,) and dtype int32

The host callback wrappers cache some data in the device memory to reduce the number of calls to the host. The cache size equals the number of batches stored on the device.

>>> data_init, data_batch, _ = data.random_reference_data(data_loader, 100, 1000)
>>> init_state = data_init()
>>> new_state, batch = data_batch(init_state)
>>> show_data(batch)
image with shape (1000, 32, 32, 3) and dtype uint8
label with shape (1000,) and dtype int32

Combining pmap and jit


Jit-compiling a function including pmap requires adjustments of the Callback Wrapper functions, which can lead to memory leaks if not done correctly.

Additionally, combining jit and pmap can lead to inefficient data movement. See

When jitting a function f that includes a pmap function g, also the parts of f outside of g are run on all involved devices. This causes all devices to request the same cache state (verified by a token) from a single chain.

For example, if g is pmapped to 5 devices, f is also going to run on 5 devices and hence 5 times the same cache state is requested from a chain.

JaxSGMC resolved this issue by caching all requested states on the host for a specified number of requests.

In the above example, the Callback Wrapper used in f should be called like:

... = full_data_map(to_map_fn, data_state, carry, device_count=5)

It is important to note that providing a device count larger than the actual number of calling devices causes a memory leak, as all requested cache states will remain on the host until the program has finished.