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import warnings

import h5py
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as onp
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax import random
from jax.scipy.stats import norm

from jax_sgmc import data, potential, scheduler, adaption, integrator, solver, io
from jax_sgmc.data.numpy_loader import NumpyDataLoader
from jax_sgmc.data.hdf5_loader import HDF5Loader

Setup Custom Solver

This example shows how to customize a solver by combining the individual modules of JaxSGMC. It covers all necessary steps to build a SGLD solver with RMSprop adaption and applies it to the same problem as described in Quickstart.


Schematically, a solver in JaxSGMC has the structure:

Structure of JaxSGMC

The SGLD solver with RMSprop adaption will make use of all modules. It is set up in these steps:

Load Reference Data

The reference data is passed to the solver via two components, the Data Loader and the Host Callback Wrapper.

The Data Loader assembles the batches requested by the host callback wrappers. It loads the data from a source (HDF-File, numpy-array, tensorflow dataset) and selects the observations in each batch after a specific method (ordered access, shuffling, …).

The Host Callback Wrapper requests new batches from the Data Loader and loads them into jit-compiled programs via Jax’s Host Callback module. To balance the memory usage and the delay due to loading the data, each device call returns multiple batches.

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N = 4 
samples = 1000 # Total samples

key = random.PRNGKey(0)
split1, split2, split3 = random.split(key, 3)

# Correct solution
sigma = 0.5
w = random.uniform(split3, minval=-1, maxval=1, shape=(N, 1))

# Data generation
noise = sigma * random.normal(split2, shape=(samples, 1))
x = random.uniform(split1, minval=-10, maxval=10, shape=(samples, N))
x = jnp.stack([x[:, 0] + x[:, 1], x[:, 1], 0.1 * x[:, 2] - 0.5 * x[:, 3],
               x[:, 3]]).transpose()
y = jnp.matmul(x, w) + noise
No GPU/TPU found, falling back to CPU. (Set TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL=0 and rerun for more info.)

The NumpyDataLoader assembles batches randomly by drawing from the the complete dataset with and without replacement (shuffeling). It also provides the possibility to start the batching from a defined state, controlled via the seed.

These settings can be passed differently for every chain and are thus not passed during the initialization. Instead, they have to be passed during the initialization of the chains.

In this example, the batches are shuffled, i.e. every sample is used at least once before an already drawn sample is used again and the chains start at a defined state.

# The construction of the data loader can be different. For the numpy data
# loader, the numpy arrays can be passed as keyword arguments and are later
# returned as a dictionary with corresponding keys.
data_loader = NumpyDataLoader(x=x, y=y)

# The cache size corresponds to the number of batches per cache. The state
# initialized via the init function is necessary to identify which data chain
# request new batches of data.
data_fn = data.random_reference_data(data_loader,

data_loader_kwargs = {
    "seed": 0,
    "shuffle": True,
    "in_epochs": False

Transform Log-likelihood to Potential

The model is connected to the solver via the (log-)prior and (log-)likelihood function. The model for our problem is:

def model(sample, observations):
    weights = sample["w"]
    predictors = observations["x"]
    return jnp.dot(predictors, weights)

JaxSGMC supports samples in the form of pytrees, so no flattering of e.g. Neural Net parameters is necessary. In our case we can separate the standard deviation, which is only part of the likelihood, from the weights by using a dictionary:

def likelihood(sample, observations):
    sigma = jnp.exp(sample["log_sigma"])
    y = observations["y"]
    y_pred = model(sample, observations)
    return norm.logpdf(y - y_pred, scale=sigma)

def prior(sample):
    return 1 / jnp.exp(sample["log_sigma"])

The prior and likelihood are not passed to the solver directly, but first transformed into a (stochastic) potential. This allows us to formulate the model and so the likelihood with only a single observation in mind and let JaxSGMC take care of evaluating it for a batch of observations. As the model is not computationally demanding, we let JaxSGMC vectorize the evaluation of the likelihood:

potential_fn = potential.minibatch_potential(prior=prior,

RMSprop Adaption

The adaption module simplifies the implementation of an adaption strategy by raveling / unraveling the latent variables pytree.

The RMSprop adaption is characterized by two parameters, which can be set dynamically for each chain. As for the data loader arguments, non-default RMSprop parameters must be passed during the initialization of the chains.

rms_prop_adaption = adaption.rms_prop()

adaption_kwargs = {
    "lmbd": 1e-6,
    "alpha": 0.99

Integrator and Solver

The integrator proposes new samples based on a specific process which are then processed by the solver. For example, the solver might reject a proposal by a Metropolis Hastings acceptance step (AMAGOLD, SGGMC) or swap it with another proposal by a parallel tempering chain swap (reSGLD).

In this case, a Langevin Diffusion process proposes a new sample, which is accepted unconditionally by the solver.

After this step we defined our process. Therefore, we can now initialize the starting states of each chain with the dynamic settings for the data loader and adaption.

langevin_diffusion = integrator.langevin_diffusion(potential_fn=potential_fn,

# Returns a triplet of init_fn, update_fn and get_fn
rms_prop_solver = solver.sgmc(langevin_diffusion)

# Initialize the solver by providing initial values for the latent variables.
# We provide extra arguments for the data loader and the adaption method.
init_sample = {"log_sigma": jnp.array(0.0), "w": jnp.zeros(N)}
init_state = rms_prop_solver[0](init_sample,


Next, we set up a schedule which updates process parameters such as the temperature and the step size independently of the solver state. It is moreover necessary to determine which samples should be saved or discarded.

SGLD only depends on the step size, which is chosen to follow a polynomial schedule. However, as only a few and independent samples should be saved, we also set up a burn in schedule, which rejects the first 2000 samples and a thinning schedule, which randomly selects 1000 samples not subject to burn in.

step_size_schedule = scheduler.polynomial_step_size_first_last(first=0.05,
burn_in_schedule = scheduler.initial_burn_in(2000)
thinning_schedule = scheduler.random_thinning(step_size_schedule=step_size_schedule,

# Bundles all specific schedules
schedule = scheduler.init_scheduler(step_size=step_size_schedule,

Save samples in numpy Arrays

By default, JaxSGMC save accepted samples in the device memory. However, for some models the required memory rapidly exceeds the available memory. Therefore, JaxSGMC supports saving the samples on the host in a similar manner as it loads reference data from the host.

Hence, also the saving step consists of setting up a Data Collector, which takes care of saving the data in different formats and a general Host Callback Wrapper which transfers the data out of jit-compiled computations.

In this example, the data is simply passed to (real) numpy arrays in the host memory.

data_collector = io.MemoryCollector()
save_fn = io.save(data_collector=data_collector)

Save samples in hdf5

import h5py

data_collector = io.MemoryCollector()
save_fn = io.save(data_collector=data_collector)

Run Solver

Finally, all parts of the solver are set up and can be combined to a runnable process. The mcmc function updates the scheduler and integrator in the correct order and passes the results to the saving module.

The mcmc function can be called with multiple init_states as positional arguments to run multiple chains and returns a list of results, one for each chain.

mcmc = solver.mcmc(solver=rms_prop_solver,

# Take the result of the first chain
results = mcmc(init_state, iterations=10000)[0]

print(f"Collected {results['sample_count']} samples")
[Step 0/10000](0%) Collected 0 of 1000 samples...
[Step 500/10000](5%) Collected 0 of 1000 samples...
[Step 1000/10000](10%) Collected 0 of 1000 samples...
[Step 1500/10000](15%) Collected 0 of 1000 samples...
[Step 2000/10000](20%) Collected 1 of 1000 samples...
[Step 2500/10000](25%) Collected 87 of 1000 samples...
[Step 3000/10000](30%) Collected 168 of 1000 samples...
[Step 3500/10000](35%) Collected 245 of 1000 samples...
[Step 4000/10000](40%) Collected 315 of 1000 samples...
[Step 4500/10000](45%) Collected 374 of 1000 samples...
[Step 5000/10000](50%) Collected 437 of 1000 samples...
[Step 5500/10000](55%) Collected 496 of 1000 samples...
[Step 6000/10000](60%) Collected 551 of 1000 samples...
[Step 6500/10000](65%) Collected 613 of 1000 samples...
[Step 7000/10000](70%) Collected 682 of 1000 samples...
[Step 7500/10000](75%) Collected 736 of 1000 samples...
[Step 8000/10000](80%) Collected 787 of 1000 samples...
[Step 8500/10000](85%) Collected 839 of 1000 samples...
[Step 9000/10000](90%) Collected 898 of 1000 samples...
[Step 9500/10000](95%) Collected 953 of 1000 samples...
Collected 1000 samples

Plot Results

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plt.plot(onp.exp(results["samples"]["variables"]["log_sigma"]), label="RMSprop")

w_rms = results["samples"]["variables"]["w"]

# w1 vs w2
w1d = onp.linspace(0.00, 0.20, 100)
w2d = onp.linspace(-0.70, -0.30, 100)
W1d, W2d = onp.meshgrid(w1d, w2d)
p12d = onp.vstack([W1d.ravel(), W2d.ravel()])

plt.title("w_1 vs w_2 (rms)")

plt.xlim([0.07, 0.12])
plt.ylim([-0.525, -0.450])
plt.plot(w_rms[:, 0], w_rms[:, 1], 'o', alpha=0.5, markersize=0.5, zorder=-1)

# w3 vs w4
w3d = onp.linspace(-0.3, -0.05, 100)
w4d = onp.linspace(-0.75, -0.575, 100)
W3d, W4d = onp.meshgrid(w3d, w4d)
p34d = onp.vstack([W3d.ravel(), W4d.ravel()])

plt.title("w_3 vs w_4 (rms)")
plt.plot(w_rms[:, 2], w_rms[:, 3], 'o', alpha=0.5, markersize=0.5, zorder=-1)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7fc1ec351550>]
../_images/f5f3460d891fa3213c4cabe98929efc3adb95eaf57312fc9b33aa6942c3ba014.png ../_images/80a9dfefb9a29c38ff882768b315c4cc09e6fb6e7912a79587711c64c9caa7dd.png ../_images/b7e1f92ce68caa346aa4a6cb2fc69d65c751782ba6b5e049c01febe66a631d2e.png

Large Models: Save Data to HDF5

# Open a HDF5 file to store data in
with h5py.File("sgld_rms.hdf5", "w") as file:

    data_collector = io.HDF5Collector(file)
    save_fn = io.save(data_collector=data_collector)

    mcmc = solver.mcmc(solver=rms_prop_solver,

    # The solver has to be reinitialized, as the data loader has to be reinitialized
    init_state = rms_prop_solver[0](init_sample,
    results = mcmc(init_state, iterations=10000)[0]

print(f"Collected {results['sample_count']} samples")
[Step 0/10000](0%) Collected 0 of 1000 samples...
[Step 500/10000](5%) Collected 0 of 1000 samples...
[Step 1000/10000](10%) Collected 0 of 1000 samples...
[Step 1500/10000](15%) Collected 0 of 1000 samples...
[Step 2000/10000](20%) Collected 1 of 1000 samples...
[Step 2500/10000](25%) Collected 87 of 1000 samples...
[Step 3000/10000](30%) Collected 168 of 1000 samples...
[Step 3500/10000](35%) Collected 245 of 1000 samples...
[Step 4000/10000](40%) Collected 315 of 1000 samples...
[Step 4500/10000](45%) Collected 374 of 1000 samples...
[Step 5000/10000](50%) Collected 437 of 1000 samples...
[Step 5500/10000](55%) Collected 496 of 1000 samples...
[Step 6000/10000](60%) Collected 551 of 1000 samples...
[Step 6500/10000](65%) Collected 613 of 1000 samples...
[Step 7000/10000](70%) Collected 682 of 1000 samples...
[Step 7500/10000](75%) Collected 736 of 1000 samples...
[Step 8000/10000](80%) Collected 787 of 1000 samples...
[Step 8500/10000](85%) Collected 839 of 1000 samples...
[Step 9000/10000](90%) Collected 898 of 1000 samples...
[Step 9500/10000](95%) Collected 953 of 1000 samples...
Collected 1000 samples
# Sum up and count all values
def map_fn(batch, mask, count):
    return jnp.sum(batch["w"].T * mask, axis=1), count + jnp.sum(mask)

# Load only the samples from the file
with h5py.File("sgld_rms.hdf5", "r") as file:
    postprocess_loader = HDF5Loader(file, subdir="/chain~0/variables", sample=init_sample)

    full_data_mapper, _ = data.full_data_mapper(postprocess_loader, 128, 128)
    w_sums, count = full_data_mapper(map_fn, 0, masking=True)

    # Sum up the sums from the individual batches
    w_means = jnp.sum(w_sums, axis=0) / count

print(f"Collected {count} samples with means:")
for idx, (w, w_old) in enumerate(zip(w_means, onp.mean(w_rms, axis=0))):
  print(f"  w_{idx}: new = {w}, old = {w_old})")
Collected 1000 samples with means:
  w_0: new = 0.09378340095281601, old = 0.09378334879875183)
  w_1: new = -0.4894007742404938, old = -0.4894009232521057)
  w_2: new = -0.14092718064785004, old = -0.14092722535133362)
  w_3: new = -0.6256959438323975, old = -0.6256959438323975)
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