Saving of Samples

Seting up Saving

JaxSGMC supports saving inside of jit-compiled functions. Additionally, checkpointing can also be provided (if this is a priority for you, please open a feature request on GitHub). Saving data consists of two parts:

Data Collector

The data collector serializes the data and writes it to the disk and or keeps it in memory. Every data collector following this interface works.


The function ‘save’ initializes the interface between the data collector and the jit-compiled function.

If the device memory is large, it is possible to use This function has the same signature towards the jit-compiled function but keeps all collected samples in the device memory.

Extending Saveable PyTree Types

By default, transformations are defined for some default types:

  • list

  • dict

  • (named)tuple

Additionally, transformations for the following optional libraries are implemented:

  • haiku._src.data_structures.FlatMapping

A new transformation rule is a function, which accepts a pytree node of a specific type an returns a iterable, which itself returns (key, value)- pairs.

>>> from jax_sgmc import io
>>> from jax.tree_util import register_pytree_node
>>> class SomeClass:
...   def __init__(self, value):
...     self._value = value
>>> # Do not forget to register the class as jax pytree node
>>> register_pytree_node(SomeClass,
...                      lambda sc: (sc._value, None),
...                      lambda _, data: SomeClass(value=data))
>>> # Now define a rule to transform the class into a dict
>>> @io.register_dictionize_rule(SomeClass)
... def some_class_to_dict(instance_of_some_class):
...   return [("this_is_the_key", instance_of_some_class._value)]
>>> some_class = SomeClass({'a': 0.0, 'b': 0.5})
>>> some_class_as_dict = io.pytree_to_dict(some_class)
>>> print(some_class_as_dict)
{'this_is_the_key': {'a': 0.0, 'b': 0.5}}